Friday, October 24, 2008

Who lets Celebrities be so Stupid?

10/23/2008 1:00 PM, Reuters - Beyonce would like to be known as "Sasha Fierce"

So Beyonce wants to be known by her alter ego "Sasha Fierce". This is bullshit. How many alter egos can you have? I thought she was already Foxy Cleopatra, and a whole lot of woman!

"I have someone else that takes over when it's time for me to work and when I'm on stage, this alter ego that I've created that kind of protects me and who I really am," the former Destiny's Child frontwoman said in a statement.

"Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken side and more glamorous side that comes out when I'm working and when I'm on the stage."

Really? Are you kidding me? Someone that takes over... More glamorous... I cant take this shit. Where do these celebrities get off? You cant just start calling yourself by a different name. First it started with rappers. What ever happened to your rap name just being your nickname like, "Biggie" or "LL Cool J". Now a days its just stupid shit where every rapper whose a little bitch puts "little" in front of their name and thinks it automatically gives them street cred. You cant just give yourself a nickname or an alter ego ("Kenny Kobes"). If you want to be a bad ass, you want to be hard, have a hard name and hit the street. You didn't see Tupac Shakur changing his name. No, he already had a hard ass name given to him by his Black Panther mother. If you want an alter ego you need to be so mentally unstable that you develop one. Will society just eat whatever shit celebrities feed them these days. I hope "Sasha Fierce" goes bankrupt over this. I hope Jay-Z dumps her because she is such an ass clown. GOD DAMN IT!

Original Story from Yahoo

- Carl

Chris Berman is a Dick

At least Marino isn't a horrible sportscaster and then a huge dickhead...

What a rumblin' bumblin' BASTARD.

- Carl

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dan Marino is a psycho.

Geez, Dan - where was this fire when Finkel's goons were kidnapping you in Ace Ventura?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sexy Chick Dancing

VOLUME IS A MUST! This is my new favorite youtube video. Is it strange that this girl gives me a boner? At least she is enjoying herself and bringing it 100% for the entire song. The song is hot too! Its called "Buddha's Delight" by Haley Bennett. Must be some Euro shit.

Your Welcome,
- Carl

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday Head to Head #1: Uncle Phil vs. Carl Winslow

Two classic TV dads from the early 90's. Let's figure this one out.


Carl: Is in his 40’s and has yet to rise above the rank of Sergeant in the Chicago Police Department.

Uncle Phil: Has risen from an early life on a farm to a successful lawyer and later a prominent Los Angeles judge.


Carl: Uses the ‘do good for others’ approach to punishment as evident by the time he made Eddie volunteer for Meals on Wheels. His kids are well-grounded and he is also a father figure for Richie and Steve. However, one has to question what kind of father would let their daughter Judy disappear one summer and never be heard from again.

Uncle Phil: You aren’t going to get much by him. He has a strong nose for discipline and will employ whatever punishment the situation calls for. He is a stubborn dad, but will eventually come around if he is out of line – an example being when Ashley wanted to go to public school. He was kind enough to bring Will into his home and treated him as his own son.


Carl: Clearly does not wear the pants in the family.

Uncle Phil: Clearly does not wear the pants in the family.

Are you going to just sit there and take that?:

Carl: How many times is he going to let Urkel ruin his house and sexually harass his daughter before he dishes out an old-fashion ass-kicking? The kid sued him on national TV for Christ’s sake!

Uncle Phil: Geoffrey is the man's butler. How can he let him stand there time after time and insult him in front of his family like that? He should have fired his ass a long time ago.


This is a tough call. Who would you all go with?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Giants thoughts: What, me worry?

It wasn’t the most pretty a victory, but there was plenty of good to take away from the win.

- The defense bounced back in a big way from their atrocious performance against the Browns – 6 sacks, 3 forced fumbles, 2 interceptions, a safety and only 11 rushing yards for Frank Gore. Great effort.

- In particular, Chase Blackburn (8 tackles, 1 sack, 1 FF) Justin Tuck (2 sacks, 2 FF) and Michael Johnson (2 INT) had huge games. I hope Antonio Pierce is back soon, but Blackburn will fill in just fine until he does.

- Domenik Hixon didn’t have a single catch, but proved big on special teams. He has two great tackles in punt coverage and downed a ball inside the 5 yard line – though it was called back on an illegal touch penalty.

- The offensive pass interference against Plaxico was an awful, awful call. Still, there is no excuse for him picking up an unsportsmanlike penalty two plays later. As for Eli forcing the ball to him, I think there may be some truth to that. Eli certainly isn’t spreading the ball around like he did in the Seattle game and he threw to Plax when he had three guys on him yesterday.

- As for Eli, not his best work, but he didn’t turn the ball over like he did last week.

- Terrible 3rd down play yesterday – 4-14 ain’t going to cut it.

Overall, there is room for improvement and the offense needs to find a rhythm. Next week is when the schedule gets tough so let’s hope they work the kinks out before then.

- Kobel

Friday, October 17, 2008

Man Eats 15 Pound Burger.

The 5-foot-11, 180-pound western Pennsylvania chef is the first person to eat a monstrosity called the Beer Barrel Belly Bruiser: a 15-pound burger with toppings and a bun that brought the total weight to 20.2 pounds.



Will the monkey waiter trend spread to the U.S.?

More monkey waiters = less tips. So I can only hope.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ken's Top 5 Board Games of All-Time

5) Candy Land

You need at least one nostalgia pick on the list and this is a good one.

It doesn’t get much simpler than Candy Land. It’s all luck with no skill whatsoever. Shit, you don’t even need to know how to count since you just follow the colors.

Regardless, Candy Land is a cool ass place. Who didn’t want to live there as a kid? It’s a land made out of candy for Christ’s sake. And I’ll tell you, I wouldn’t mind getting a lick of Princess Lolly. (See what I did there?)

For a simple game, it produced a decent amount of drama. I remember many a time when someone was about to taste victory only to draw the Plumpy card and get sent all the way back to the beginning. On the flipside, it was common to see the person in last place draw the Queen Frostine card and suddenly be on the verge of winning.

And don’t even get me started on Lord Licorice – that miserable prick.

4) Scattegories

An every man for themselves battle that is a sure fire crowd pleaser.

The best part of the game is the amount of thought that goes into it. You cant just put anything down on paper and expect no one else to answer the same thing. If you really want to earn points you need to outthink the opposition. That’s my kind of game.

3) Risk

The classic game of world domination is held in the highest regard by those who play it.

There is a ton of strategy, shit-talking levels of epic proportions and the obligatory “the Ukraine is weak” zinger at least once a game. Best of all, you get a serious sense of accomplishment whenever you win – it’s as if you really are Napoleon.

The only drawback is the amount of effort that goes into organizing a game. You need 4-6 somewhat sober people who all have at least 2 hours on their hands. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, a great time is had by all.

2) Trivial Pursuit

May the man with the most useless knowledge win.

Trivial Pursuit has the same effect on people as Jeopardy in the sense that if you win you automatically feel smarter than someone. And why shouldn’t you? It takes a lot of effort to collect all of those goddamn wedges.

Pursuit is also versatile in the sense that you don’t need to have a full game to declare the better man. It works just fine to have lighting rounds where a full card is asked to two people with the winner being the one to get the most correct.

And like Risk, Trivial Pursuit is the subject of a classic Seinfeld line:

George (to the bubble boy): Oh no… The answer is Moops.

That episode was gold.

1) Pictionary

For my money, it doesn’t get any better than Pictionary.

The game lends itself great for a party atmosphere since you can have multiple teams with multiple payers on each one. The drama created is tremendous as you race to beat the clock. All involved are sure to be drawn into the excitement.

It is also a humbling game, but a gentlemanly one at the same time. If your drawing of “corn on the cob” blows, you are going to hear it from the table. However, these same people will give you some well-deserved compliments if you are able to pull-off a drawing of “toxic waste.”

Throughout a game you’re sure to laugh, cry, get mad, argue and - above all else - have a blast… What more do you need?


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I'm assuming this song's popularity (if it had any) has come and gone since the video was posted 4 months ago. Oh well, I've never been one to be on top of the latest trends.

Either way, I'll be damned if that isn't a catching song. The boys still got it.

And here's a classic for all my fellow New Kids fans.

*NSYNC wishes they had skills like that...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What the bloody hell was that, G-Men?

I know, I know. We’re Super Bowl Champions so don’t complain over one loss, but goddamn that was pathetic.

- The person in charge of player relations needs to be fired because clearly Mathias Kiwanuke and Justin Tuck never got memos telling them there was a game last night.

The pass rush was abysmal. I don’t remember Anderson taking a hit all game. When they fail to apply pressure their defense becomes average as was evident. This was the first time all year that we missed Osi.

- It looks like Eli is still going to have bad games because those 3 picks were 100% his fault. He forced it to Burress on the first one, he threw outside when he should have thrown inside on the second and God only knows what he was thinking on the third.

A poor showing, but I’m not too concerned.

- No sense of urgency at all towards the end. The drove the ball all the way to the red zone with the no huddle and then inexplicably went back to it. Awful, awful clock management.

- On the Brightside, Derrick Ward played great and so did Steve Smith. That’s about it though.

They’re still in first place in the conference and have a game they should win next week against the 49ers before things get tough – so it’s not time to panic.

Hopefully this will reignite the fire under their ass.


Monday, October 13, 2008

You... are... NOT the father!

This is a classic clip with some top-notch commentary. Kudos, to whoever made it.

It boggles my mind that Maury hasn’t come out with a ‘Best of Paternity Tests’ DVD yet. The crying, the victory dances, the “I told you that’s your baby” moments – who wouldn’t watch that?

Hell, they can make a full box-set if they throw in best of 'Send My Teen to Boot Camp,’ ‘From Geek to Chic’ and ‘Controlling Husbands.’

I can only dream…

- Kobel

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jim Carrey - magic man?

The other night, my friend Paul said Jim Carrey only plays roles where some kind of magic or magical circumstances happen to him.

Only one way to find out.

-Ace Ventura: No
-The Mask: Yes
-Dumb and Dumber: No
-Cable Guy: No
-Liar Liar: Yes
-Truman Show: Yes
-Man on the Moon: No
-Me, Myself and Irene: Yes
-How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Yes
-Bruce Almighty: Yes
-Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind: Yes
-Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events: Yes
-Fun with Dick and Jane: I believe no
-The Number 23: I believe yes

Overall, Paul was on to something – especially in the current stage of Jim’s career.

Take a look at this list though. Is there any doubt that Carrey is one of the most underrated actors of our time? At this point he’s putting less thought into what roles he plays, but he was tremendous in his early days. This list proves it as the first 8 movies are all gold, but you never hear his name mentioned at award shows.

…He must cry himself to sleep on a mountain of money every night.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Which shows stand the test of time?

Whenever a childhood favorite of mine is added to the “Nick at Nite” lineup I wonder two things:

1) Am I really this fucking old?
2) Was this actually funny when I was a kid?

I’ll focus on the latter, because the former just depresses me. While some shows have stood the test of time, others clearly haven’t.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air:

This is a rare instance of a show getting better with age.

Will’s outfits, Carlton’s dancing, Geoffrey’s zingers and Uncle Phil’s Jazz tossing – its all gold. The pop-culture references are obviously out-dated, but I actually understand them now as opposed to when I was a kid.

Best of all, the show doesn’t get too serious. Sure, there are hard-hitting episodes – Will’s father coming back still gets to me – but, on the whole, the show is all about laughing it up while subtly getting their serious points across.

Most importantly, it reminds everyone that us white people are lame.

Home Improvement:

This one is hit or miss.

Tim Allen is good for some laughs each episode - especially during the Tool Time segments when he is ripping on Al or misquoting Wilson’s words of wisdom.

Jill is the typical sitcom wife – a wet blanket, yet somehow always right. The kids don’t add much since I could care less about Brad’s girl troubles, Marc’s problems adjusting to school or whatever the hell disease they gave JTT.

Overall, it’s watchable, but nowhere near Fresh Prince - though the episode where Shooter McGavin comes back as Tim’s old college buddy is hysterical.

Family Matters:

This isn’t pretty.

How many times can we watch Urkel fall through a roof, drive into the house, throw a bowling ball through a window – the list goes on.

The whole thing gets old fast and Carl’s humor every now and then can’t save it.

And for the record, Laura is one shallow bitch.

Full House:

Family Matters may be bad, but this show takes the cake – it is complete garbage.

Yea, the jokes are lame and we’re supposed to believe that Uncle Jesse is a cool dude even though he lives in his brother-in-laws basement – but that’s not my issue.

No, my problem is that every episode needs to teach us a goddamn lesson. Stephanie learns her classmate’s father kicks the shit out of him – lesson: you need to tell people if abuse is happening. D.J. tries to lose weight and faints – lesson: be happy with who you are. Joey plays a hockey game and resists punching out the asshole who deserved it – lesson: it’s OK to be a pussy.

Don’t get me wrong, these are all valid things to show kids – but why the hell was Full House doing the teaching? Apparently, America was too dumb to be parents themselves and needed Bob Saget to show their kids right from wrong. Give me a break.

Any others come to mind?


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Marq on boston sports radio-- for a minute

Whats good??
So bostons majors sports radio station does this thing everyday at 6 where they take funny messages from the day and edit them into a package to end there rush hour show--- I made the show today by making fun of AL davis--
the link is:

My comment is the Pope JP2 comment and its at 17:24---

Check it out...
