Friday, October 24, 2008

Who lets Celebrities be so Stupid?

10/23/2008 1:00 PM, Reuters - Beyonce would like to be known as "Sasha Fierce"

So Beyonce wants to be known by her alter ego "Sasha Fierce". This is bullshit. How many alter egos can you have? I thought she was already Foxy Cleopatra, and a whole lot of woman!

"I have someone else that takes over when it's time for me to work and when I'm on stage, this alter ego that I've created that kind of protects me and who I really am," the former Destiny's Child frontwoman said in a statement.

"Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken side and more glamorous side that comes out when I'm working and when I'm on the stage."

Really? Are you kidding me? Someone that takes over... More glamorous... I cant take this shit. Where do these celebrities get off? You cant just start calling yourself by a different name. First it started with rappers. What ever happened to your rap name just being your nickname like, "Biggie" or "LL Cool J". Now a days its just stupid shit where every rapper whose a little bitch puts "little" in front of their name and thinks it automatically gives them street cred. You cant just give yourself a nickname or an alter ego ("Kenny Kobes"). If you want to be a bad ass, you want to be hard, have a hard name and hit the street. You didn't see Tupac Shakur changing his name. No, he already had a hard ass name given to him by his Black Panther mother. If you want an alter ego you need to be so mentally unstable that you develop one. Will society just eat whatever shit celebrities feed them these days. I hope "Sasha Fierce" goes bankrupt over this. I hope Jay-Z dumps her because she is such an ass clown. GOD DAMN IT!

Original Story from Yahoo

- Carl

1 comment:

The Flow said...

By the way, I would love to live between Beyonce/Sasha's thighs, and she could call me whatever the hell she wanted.

- Carl