Friday, May 11, 2012

The Bar None 4 v. 5 Matches

Let's start with Yesterday's Results, shall we?

Ren and Stimpy d. AHH!! Real Monsters (29-9)

No big shock here. Ren and Stimpy was a staple of young boy television in the early 90's. My parent's never really liked the fact I watched it.

Animaniacs d. Power Rangers (26-12)

I'm a bit surprised here. While I thought the criminally underrated Animaniacs was going to win, I thought Power Rangers was going to show some more of a fight here.

The Adventures of Pete and Pete d. Legends of the Hidden Temple (20-16)

Wow. Our first upset of the tournament. I wonder how many people Artie, The Strongest Man In The World, roughed up to get their votes.

Saved by the Bell d. Full House (31-7)

Now this is an ass whopping we didn't see coming. Full House fans completely no showed here. Jesse Spano and gang completely rocked them. SbtB may not like the fact that they're a 3 seed.

Today we go for the toss up games. The 4-5 match ups. These are always a doozy and anyone can win. Let's see what we got on tap today....

NickToons Bracket

(4)Hey Arnold vs. (5) Rocko's Modern Life

Hey Arnold!

Good show. Kind of hit it's stride as I was moving past Nick Toons though. This one was about Arnold, the kid with a football shaped head (he should get that checked out), and his school friends. All demographics of elementary school kids are represented in Hey Arnold!. You had the dumbass jock, the nerdy guy, the stuck up girl and the token black friend. The show really made it's inner city setting work.

Rocko's Modern Life

A solid #5 seed here. Rocko was the lovable wallaby who hung out with a cow and a turtle. Rocko's Modern Life holds up pretty well. There are a ton of adult jokes in there that I just didn't get when I was younger. The show is much better now than I remember it.

Saturday Morning Bracket

(4) Spider-Man vs. (5) Darkwing Duck


You know, I was never a huge Spider-Man guy. I enjoyed what I watched but it wasn't much. Like X-Men though, I really liked that this had a somewhat mature on going story going on. 

Darkwing Duck

I was a big Darkwing Duck guy though. For those that don't know, Darkwing Duck was a night time crime fighter. He put Batman to shame. He was one bad ass quacker.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(4)Hey Dude vs. (5)Keenan and Kel

Hey Dude

It's a little wild and a little strange. Hey Dude had a pretty mean run there at the Bar None Ranch. Made it to like 50 or episodes. Not too shabby when you consider Salute Your Shorts only pulled in about 22. My favorite episode was the one where they were telling ghost stories and the ranch got all creepy and it started raining. It rained on a dude ranch in Arizona. Anyone remember the episode where the guy came and tried to scam Mr. Ernst out of money and at the end he pulled a guy out on Ernst and Buddy? That was some serious noise. And also, there was this very racist scene.

Keenan and Kel

Who loves orange soda? Everyone after a few episodes of Keenan and Kel. Man that line caught on really fast. People still say it today. Oh and way to play down the stereotype that black people like fruit flavored soda. 

TGIF and Such Bracket

(4)Family Matters vs. (5)Step by Step

Family Matters

This one was really solid and introduced the world to Dancing with the Stars future Hall of Famer, Jaleel "it ain't easy being" White. At one point Steve Urkel was the most loved character on television. Too bad he was wasting his time with that bitch Laura Winslow. She had to be the most unlikable character on tv. And what happened to your daughter, Carl? What happened?

Step by Step

The modern Brady Bunch. Step by Step fits in pretty well into the "this show had it all" category. You had the manlier than manly Patrick Duffy. His hot wife Suzanne Summer (that's 90's hot brotha). And you had their 6 kids. All of whom had their moments. Plus you had Cody, the stoner cousin that lived in his van. He was the one that was dumber than everyone but at the end of each episode he'd have some genius epiphany. And we got to watch the young Al grow up right before our eyes... and that was a treat.

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