Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yo-Yo Ma

After seeing the Yo-Yo World Championships on TV yesterday I decided its time to invest. From what I remember from my youth, Duncan was the company to go with. More research will tell if that’s still the case.

I imagine chicks dig a guy who can handle a yo-yo, though that is an unfounded claim at this point. I suppose, we shall see.

In the meantime, check out this guy’s skillz.



The Flow said...

While the Duncan is the ultimate classic yo-yo, it really was unable to rival the Yomega. Yomega brought us both the brain and the fireball, and for any wannabe yo-yo'er like me, it was the shit.

The Flow said...

The fact that Sean was a wannabe yo yo master should tell you everything you need to know about 'em. ...

There was nothing cool, exciting, or pimp about that kid in the video, and he is 100 times better than you will ever be. Cut your losses right now.
