Thursday, November 1, 2012

So it's come to this: Star Wars Episode VII

If you haven't heard, Disney announced yesterday that it had purchased LucasFilm for a cool $4 Bil and more importantly, that Star Wars Episode VII was in the very early stages of pre-production -- it is expected to hit theaters in 2015 with several sequels to follow.  It seems as though many "people" (assholes who write their cynical, uninformed, and worthless opinions about everything on the internet -- aka trolls) don't really know what to think.  Well I do, so let me be your asshole.  

First, every person is different.  His or her opinions are going to be shaped by the sum of their experiences and their predilections.  It would behoove me to tell you about myself so you see the route I took to reach these opinions.  The first thing I can tell you about myself is the most damning: I was never a Star Wars fanatic.  Don't get me wrong, I loved the movies, and I have seen them all dozens of times.  I just never had any Star Wars toys or dressed up as a Star Wars character for halloween or read - or god help me, written - any Star Wars fan fiction or exhibited any of the tell-tale fanboy signs.  Check that, the second thing is probably more damning and needlessly tangential: I think Star Trek is literally one-thousand times better than Star Wars in just about every way and will not listen to any argument to the contrary.  The third thing is near-blasphemy: I didn't hate the prequel trilogy.  Sure, Hayden Christensen was a bad decision, and I know bad decisions.  And sure, Episodes I and II were both very, very boring.  But Episode III was pretty enjoyable.  I thought it made the whole prequel venture worthwhile.  So that's me when it comes to Star Wars.

No matter how you feel about the last 15 years in the Star Wars universe -- and by that I mean the last 15 years in our universe, of which Star Wars is a part, only inasmuch as it pertains to Star Wars -- this is a good thing.  I can foresee only a few possible negative consequences (more on those later).  Why is it a good thing?  I'm glad you asked!

(1) It Could Be Great!!!

 Let's not forget who's running the show this time: Not George Lucas. More specifically (although more abstract), Disney.  And Disney is kinda good at this making-movies thing.  There's no need to fear any Disneyfication because there's nothing to DIsneyficate in the first place -- Star Wars is remarkably devoid of blood and guts and if you can just look past a small bout of incestual grown-up kissing between Luke and the only female in the universe (who also happens to be his sister, FML), nothing sexually-explicit either.  There will, however, be almost definitely be too much CGI.  Sometimes less is more Disney.

I think a part of the reason why the prequels fell into such disrepute is because they were prequels.  We got new movies, but we got nothing new from them, save for a shiny CGI-laced veneer.  The sophisticated movie audience doesn't want to be taken by the hand and given a visual tour of everything that happened to get to where we are now.  To many, the tragedy of Darth Vader was just as wrenching, if not more so, before the prequel trilogy.  I don't know if I agree.  On the one hand, someone did decide that Hayden Christensen portraying Anikan Skywalker as a whiny, ungrateful brat (even when that made no sense once his humble beginnings as a slave-boy were established) was a good idea.  On the other hand, I was moved that Anikan ultimately turned to the dark side due as a result of the pursuit of very human desires: love and protecting our loved ones.  And that Anikan was, in a way, pushed towards the dark side by the Jedi, who, for all their merits, had become robotically disconnected from natural emotions and desires.

With the prospect of new movies, there's also a refreshing lack of carry-over conceptual constraints.  Creative's hand isn't forced towards a particular endgame.  Yoda is dead.  Obi-Wan is dead.  Vader is dead.  The Emperor is dead.  Jar-Jar Binks was cyber-bullied into suicide.  I have serious doubts that Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill or Carrie Fisher or Billy Dee Williams will be in this movie -- although I hope to god I'm wrong about the latter.  They'll keep the light-sabers and the force, and -- god-willing -- R2-D2, and that's about it.  Logically, there will be some nexus between the original trilogy and the upcoming slate of Star Wars films. It's anyone's best guess what that nexus will be.  Maybe Han and Leia have kids and they're the main characters (I'd be shocked if this didn't happen); maybe... no seriously I can't even suggest another possibility, but I'm sure it exists.  A fresh slate could be just what the doctor ordered for the Star Wars franchise.

(2)  Even if it sucks... who cares?

Then again, there's a chance this movie sucks.  There's a chance that Disney hands the reigns to someone who completely misses the point.  There's a fairly large chance this movie is geared towards an entirely different generation who haven't yet been magically introduced to the Force, the Jedi, or lightsabers; and thus spends too much time telling us again how to make a Jedi, again.  But does it really matter?

I saw Star Wars: The Clone Wars in theaters... the day it opened.  And I hated it.  It may have dashed some unreasonably high hopes, but it didn't change a thing about the way I feel regarding Star Wars.  When I catch Empire Strikes Back on TV, I watch it, and I love it.  

Same goes for Lucas' constant tinkering with the finished product.  While I certainly will not say I like his changes -- his "re-mastering" if you will -- they are very minor and at worst they make a great movie an iota less great.  Even then, the main culprit is the stranglehold we demand on all things nostalgic.  Someone who has never seen Star Wars will have the same magical experience whether he is introduced to the saga by way of the re-mastered trilogy or the original trilogy in its original form.  They will.

This point is magnified for all those who've spent time and resources trying to erase the prequels from their mind.  If the franchise is already "ruined" for you, then what's another bad movie?  Nope, shut up.  Shut your mouth.  Go outside, read a book, volunteer your time.  I don't care what you do, just shut up already. But I will address your point of view later...  

(3) The Desensitization Factor aka The Battleship Constant

Listen, today's world sucks.  Sure there's beauty almost everywhere we look, but nothing feels like it matters anymore to anyone unless it's boiled down to dollars and cents.  Each year, there are more and more original ideas thrown in the trash to make way for production studios to either recycle old ones or pursue "sure-thing" ventures.  These sure-thing ventures have increasingly taken the form of turning old toys into movies even when that idea makes no damn sense because of cross-brand merchandising or some other made-up term I should've learned (I somehow have a business degree, although I'm pretty sure I've just assumed the appearance and consciousness of someone who got a business degree before I took over).  In the next few years we are getting movies based on View Master, Hot Wheels, Monopoly, Erector Set, Candyland, Magic 8-Ball, Ouija.  By the way, I did not make any of those up.  View Master! A movie about looking at pictures of things!  The fact that there are people in this world who thinks a View Master movie is a good idea and that those people are more rich and powerful than I will ever be and will thus probably be made immortal when mankind invents immortality in 30 years when I die poor and alone from a hit-and-run accident as I'm walking peacefully from my 1st job to my 2nd job because I can't afford car ownership just makes me sick to my stomach.

But having said that, Star Wars was always going to be squeezed until there was no juice left.  In one of my classes this semester, we've been talking a lot about whether it is "clearly established" law that a certain act in certain circumstances violates a person's constitutional rights.  Most of the time, that inquiry can be quite hairy.  But by any account, it is clearly established and has been for almost 20 years (at least) that Star Wars exploitation is a very, very fruitful endeavor.  Did we really expect that we were done?  That it all was to end with a successful animated series on Cartoon Network?  You were kidding yourself.  Nothing Star Wars has ever failed financially.  At least new Star Wars movies create buzz about the original trilogy.  At least we're not getting "Everyone Loves Slinky 2: Stair-down." 

I can also imagine some quasi-legitimate arguments for why we should all be angry commenters because of the new Star Wars movies.

(1)  Yeah... but... it is going to be TERRIBLE.  You know that right?

I do.  It probably is.  I was optimistic before but, god damn, these are the same people that gave us TRON: Legacy.  I'd bet my hat that the synopsis will be "Years after the Imperial Wars, Stosh Solo, son of Leia and Han Solo, must learn the Jedi ways in order to stop an evil, the likes of which this galaxy's never seen."  In other words, we get the same thing, but with a hot young actor, and we trade Luke's petulance for Stosh's smarm.  

But I've already covered this.  Who really cares if it's terrible?  Unless the movie starts out with scrolling text that says "Everything that happened in Episodes 4-6 was a dream... Here's what really happened..." 

(2)  I care!  Another bad Star Wars just continues to dilute the meaning of the Star Wars saga.

I can understand this.  Really, I can.  I can imagine being a parent, and  trying to introduce my kids to Star Wars, and seeing them zone out for a moment as they access their brain internets, and then hearing them say "you mean the story of Stosh Solo?"  That might sting.  After all, when it's all said and done, Luke, Han, Chewy, might all be a relatively small part of the Star Wars universe.  Are we ok with that? (I am).  At worst, we'll put a pin in this point.  We may worry, but worrying for 3 years about this is just such a fucking waste of time.

Speaking of wastes of time, I grow weary of writing.  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Your Champion

We have a winner...

Drumroll please....

SAVED BY THE BELL d. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (16-15)

Man oh man this one was tighter than Jesse Spano's views on gender roles in society. I don't think anyone was expecting the Turtles to roll over but they too Saved by the Bell to the brink. Despite what people have been saying, the Turtles truly deserved it's spot in the finals.

Let's celebrate our winner...

A deserving winner for sure, here are my top 5 SBTB moments, in no particular order...

The caffeine pill addiction. As a kid that was some scary shit. Looking back it's one of the most unintentionally funny moments in TV history.

The Mystery Weekend episode. Most people know I'm a sucker for a good mystery story. After seeing that one I really wanted to spend a weekend doing the same thing. 

Remember when Zack made out with Lisa and Screech flipped out? Yeah that happened. I guess the writers didn't like it considering that it happened once and they never, ever talked about it again.

The mockumentary band episode. You know, the one where Zack Attack takes off and Zack unsurprisingly gets a big head and ditches the rest of the band only to reunite and create the hit single "Friends Forever".

Remember the one where Zack loses Kelly to the guy that, Jeff, that bought the Max? How old was that guy? Like 30? Respect.

Ok that's it. I hope everyone enjoyed voting. I'm sure this isn't the last tournament you'll see on The Flow.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Favorite 90's Show: Finals in a Half Shell


Saved by the Bell d. Salute Your Shorts (20-10)

After powering through the TGIF and Such bracket, SBTB saved it's biggest win for the Final Four. It stands as the clear favorite to win the whole damn thing.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles d. Doug (16-14)

Wooo this was a close one and we got a big unexpected win from the Ninja Turtles. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, the Ninja Turtles are fucking awesome. Knocking off Doug was no small feat. Doug came into this as a championship favorite and proved as much by bulldozing the NickToons bracket.

Here we go. We're at the Finals. After two grueling weeks we have two shows left. Does the favorite SBTB still have the strong legs after knocking off such greats as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Boy Meets World? Or will the Ninja Turtles finish their Cinderella run to the belt?

(2) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. (3) Saved by the Bell

While not part of the cartoon that we're voting for, I had to remind everyone of the great Ninja Turtles movie and Youtube just happened to have the best scene on there....

And here is another great scene from the immortal Saved by the Bell...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Final Four: The Tori Years

We continue to get some weak ass votes but here are results from the weekend...

Doug d. Rugrats (20-7)

Another run away for the Funnie man. Doug really laid waste to its bracket.

Road to the Final Four

defeated (8) Angry Beavers (45-1)
defeated (5) Rockos Modern Life (21-4)
defeated (2) Rugrats

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles d. Darkwing Duck (20-5)

Breaking News: All four Turtles will be advancing to the Final Four. Splinter won't make it. The Shredder got him.

Road to the Final Four

defeated (7) Goosebumps (36-5)
defeated (3) Animaniacs (16-5)
defeated (5) Darkwing Duck (20-5)

Salute Your Shorts d. Pete and Pete (14-8)

The well deserving 1 seed in the Nickelodeon Bracket takes the cake here and moves to the final four. Pete and Pete made a valiant run at it.

Road to the Final Four

defeated (8) The Secret World of Alex Mack (38-8)
defeated (4) Hey Dude (19-3)
defeated (6) Pete and Pete (14-8)

Saved by the Bell d Boy Meets World (13-10)

It would have been nice to get more votes in this one but Saved by the Bell just eeks by the #1 seed and advances to its first final four since the last time some random group of people decided to do a similar tournament.

Road to the Final Four

defeated Full House (35-7)
defeated Fresh Prince (11-10)
defeated Boy Meets World (13-10)

Ladies and Gentleman... your Final Four:

(1) Doug vs. (2) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

(1) Salute Your Shorts vs. (3) Saved by the Bell

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ladies and Germs,

I'm going to leave yesterday's poll open. We're going to tackle the rest of the Elite 8 today and thanks to the extended weekend I have coming up (SUCKERS!!) we'll be starting the Final Four on Monday.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(1)Salute Your Shorts vs. (6) Pete and Pete

Will this year's Cinderella keep on dancing or will it get swept away by it's toughest competition yet? Here is some classic greatness from both shows...

TGIF and Such Bracket

(1)Boy Meets World vs. (3) Saved by the Bell

Woooooo!!! This stacked bracket isn't getting any easier folks. This one is going to hotly contested. In the blue corner, you have Boy Meets World, a show that piled up 8 great seasons and went took us through the journey of a young Cory Matthews from middle school through college. In the red corner, we have the pop culture smash, Saved by the Bell. Let's not forget what SBTB brought us... a lifelong crush on Kelly Kapowski for the guys and a full length porno from Dustin Diamond for the ladies.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Favorite 90's Show: The Elite 8 Foot Soldiers

Yesterday's Results

Doug d. Rocko's Modern Life (18-3)

Doug with it's 2nd straight blowout. No problem-o for Quail Man.

Darkwing Duck d. X-Men (13-7)

And our first #1 seed falls. After the rather weak showing against Scooby Doo, this wasn't a huge surprise. Still, this is an upset. I guess I gauged the love for X-Men wrong. Big win for the Terror that Flaps in the Night.

Salute Your Shorts d. Hey Dude (16-2)

Now this was a blowout. I did not expect Hey Dude to have such a weak ass showing. I know everyone loved Hey Dude, I guess Salute Your Shorts was just that much more popular.

Boy Meets World d. Family Matters (15-4)

No big surprise here. We all know BWM to be a staple of adolescent television. We'll see how much grit Boy Meets World has. Because now we're set up for a true battle of titans. Fast forward to about 3:50 into this clip and you'll see why Eric Mathews is the man (no sound needed for you suckers at work).

Elite Eight starts today. Interest seems to be waning though. We're just getting 20 votes a day now. I don't know how we got 40 votes that one time.

We're doing two Elite 8 Matchs Today. Two tomorrow. Final Four will start on Monday....

NickToons Bracket

(1)Doug vs. (2) Rugrats

The only 1 vs. 2 match up in this tournament. These two were set up for a showdown from the start. Doug was certainly more popular but Rugrats held it's own in our time. This one might be close but Doug is the odds on favorite here.

Saturday Morning Bracket

(2)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. (5)Darkwing Duck

The Dark Duck has pulled out two upsets to get to where it is. Can it get past the juggernaut that are the crime fighting turtles? Can we at least all agree that the Shredder was by far the best villain of the Saturday Morning Cartoons?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Favorite 90's Show: Salute Your #1 Seeds

We had some weak ass voter turnout today. This isn't like voting for the President people. This is important. Let's look at Yesterday's Results

Rugrats d. Ren and Stimpy (11-9)

Not that surprised here. I know Rugrats had a big following. I am surprised to see that it made a nice comeback. It looked like Ren and Stimpy was on it's way to victory early on.

TMNT d. Animaniacs (15-5)

The closest to a blowout in this round. Again, not a surprise. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is awesome.

Pete and Pete d. Are You Afraid of the Dark? (11-9)

Upset city. 6th seed Pete and Pete has now taken out big time competition in Legends of the Hidden Temple and Are You Afraid of the Dark?. If the glass slipper fits, wear it.

Saved by the Bell d. Fresh Prince (11-9)

It's too bad we have to let go of Fresh Prince in such a weak voter day. This one had the makings of being a real barn burner but instead turned out to be a defensive battle. And I didn't get to post this yesterday, I don't know how I completely forgot. But it needed to be done today...

Let's continue the sweet 16 today. All the #1 seeds advanced in the last round and we'll be seeing them again today. Let's GO.

NickToons Bracket

(1) Doug vs. (5) Rocko's Modern Life

Talk about a tough draw for my main man Rocko. Doug crushed the Angry Beavers in the last round, almost shutting them out (still want to know who voted for Angry Beavers, step up). Rocko defeated the higher seeded Hey Arnold pretty easily itself. Let's see if it can hold it's own against the overall #1 seed.

Saturday Morning Bracket

(1)X-Men vs. (5)Darkwing Duck

The Dark Duck surprisingly cruised past Spider-Man in the last round. We love our ducks here, what can we say? X-Men on the other hand just creeped by Scooooooby Doo. This one should be a lot closer than it looks on paper.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(1) Salute Your Shorts vs. (4) Hey Dude

This is a big time match up here. Both these shows kind of ran at the same time. I'm pretty sure they went on back to back. Both of them were incredibly popular too. I'm looking forward to see how this one plays out.

TGIF and Such Bracket

(1) Boy Meets World vs. (4) Family Matters

After pulling ahead late, Family Matters took a close match up against the immensely popular Step By Step.  Let's see how it stacks up against top seeded Boy Meets World.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Favorite 90's show: Round 2! FIGHT!

Weekend's Results

Rocko's Modern Life d. Hey Arnold (20-10)

I guess I doubted the power of the wallaby by making him a 5 seed. Thought there were a lot of Hey Arnold fans out there.

Darkwing Duck d. Spider-Man (22-8)

Did not see this coming. I thought Spider-Man was a Saturday Morning staple. Darkwing Duck fans really showed him what's up.

Hey Dude d. Keenan and Kel (23-8)

No love for orange soda? I had a feeling that Hey Dude would win here but I thought K&K would put up more of a fight.

Family Matters d. Step by Step (17-12)

Family Matters made a nice come back here. Step by Step was leading most of the voting day but Urkel and the gang pulled ahead late and held the lead. You don't expect these kind of choke jobs by Patrick Duffy.

Let's start Round 2, shall we?

NickToons Bracket

(2) Rugrats vs. (3) Ren and Stimpy 

This one is a doozy. Many felt that Rugrats was a little past our prime and others feel that Ren and Stimpy was a little before our prime. It's the battle of the cute toddlers that would go on innocent adventures vs. the crude and rude scoundrels.

Saturday Morning Bracket

(2)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. (3)Animaniacs

I think this is more of a toss up then it looks. Animaniacs was an awesome show and enough people remembered that to allow it to cruise past the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the last round. TMNT on the other hand dropped it's own crushing defeat to Goosebumps. This might be the match to watch today.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(2)Are You Afraid of the Dark? vs. (6)The Adventures of Pete and Pete

Pete and Pete pulled out a first round upset on heavy favorite Legends of the Hidden Temple while Dark just narrowly escaped Clarissa. Could the Cinderella story of Pete and Pete advance to the elite eight or will the Are You Afraid of the Dark fans show up this round?

TGIF and Such Bracket

(2)Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs. (3) Saved by the Bell

Woooo have some fun voting in this one. This is a heavy weight match getting thrown out in the sweet 16. The winner of this match could go on to win it all and no one would be surprised. Neither show showed any weaknesses in the first round. Both shows are just loved by all. This one can go either way, folks.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Bar None 4 v. 5 Matches

Let's start with Yesterday's Results, shall we?

Ren and Stimpy d. AHH!! Real Monsters (29-9)

No big shock here. Ren and Stimpy was a staple of young boy television in the early 90's. My parent's never really liked the fact I watched it.

Animaniacs d. Power Rangers (26-12)

I'm a bit surprised here. While I thought the criminally underrated Animaniacs was going to win, I thought Power Rangers was going to show some more of a fight here.

The Adventures of Pete and Pete d. Legends of the Hidden Temple (20-16)

Wow. Our first upset of the tournament. I wonder how many people Artie, The Strongest Man In The World, roughed up to get their votes.

Saved by the Bell d. Full House (31-7)

Now this is an ass whopping we didn't see coming. Full House fans completely no showed here. Jesse Spano and gang completely rocked them. SbtB may not like the fact that they're a 3 seed.

Today we go for the toss up games. The 4-5 match ups. These are always a doozy and anyone can win. Let's see what we got on tap today....

NickToons Bracket

(4)Hey Arnold vs. (5) Rocko's Modern Life

Hey Arnold!

Good show. Kind of hit it's stride as I was moving past Nick Toons though. This one was about Arnold, the kid with a football shaped head (he should get that checked out), and his school friends. All demographics of elementary school kids are represented in Hey Arnold!. You had the dumbass jock, the nerdy guy, the stuck up girl and the token black friend. The show really made it's inner city setting work.

Rocko's Modern Life

A solid #5 seed here. Rocko was the lovable wallaby who hung out with a cow and a turtle. Rocko's Modern Life holds up pretty well. There are a ton of adult jokes in there that I just didn't get when I was younger. The show is much better now than I remember it.

Saturday Morning Bracket

(4) Spider-Man vs. (5) Darkwing Duck


You know, I was never a huge Spider-Man guy. I enjoyed what I watched but it wasn't much. Like X-Men though, I really liked that this had a somewhat mature on going story going on. 

Darkwing Duck

I was a big Darkwing Duck guy though. For those that don't know, Darkwing Duck was a night time crime fighter. He put Batman to shame. He was one bad ass quacker.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(4)Hey Dude vs. (5)Keenan and Kel

Hey Dude

It's a little wild and a little strange. Hey Dude had a pretty mean run there at the Bar None Ranch. Made it to like 50 or episodes. Not too shabby when you consider Salute Your Shorts only pulled in about 22. My favorite episode was the one where they were telling ghost stories and the ranch got all creepy and it started raining. It rained on a dude ranch in Arizona. Anyone remember the episode where the guy came and tried to scam Mr. Ernst out of money and at the end he pulled a guy out on Ernst and Buddy? That was some serious noise. And also, there was this very racist scene.

Keenan and Kel

Who loves orange soda? Everyone after a few episodes of Keenan and Kel. Man that line caught on really fast. People still say it today. Oh and way to play down the stereotype that black people like fruit flavored soda. 

TGIF and Such Bracket

(4)Family Matters vs. (5)Step by Step

Family Matters

This one was really solid and introduced the world to Dancing with the Stars future Hall of Famer, Jaleel "it ain't easy being" White. At one point Steve Urkel was the most loved character on television. Too bad he was wasting his time with that bitch Laura Winslow. She had to be the most unlikable character on tv. And what happened to your daughter, Carl? What happened?

Step by Step

The modern Brady Bunch. Step by Step fits in pretty well into the "this show had it all" category. You had the manlier than manly Patrick Duffy. His hot wife Suzanne Summer (that's 90's hot brotha). And you had their 6 kids. All of whom had their moments. Plus you had Cody, the stoner cousin that lived in his van. He was the one that was dumber than everyone but at the end of each episode he'd have some genius epiphany. And we got to watch the young Al grow up right before our eyes... and that was a treat.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Favorite 90's Show: Zack Attacks the 3 v. 4 Match Ups

Yesterday's Results

Rugrats d. CatDog (34-3)

Well Angelica tried to vote for CatDog but Tommy and gang foiled her plot again. No surprise here.

TMNT d. Goosebumps (33-5)

We're not shell shocked here, although I did expect Goosebumps to show us a little more fight.

Are You Afraid of the Dark d. Clarissa Explains it All (21-16)

This one came down to the wire but the strong 2 seed pulled away late at night. Coincidence? Probably.

Fresh Prince d. Dinosaurs (33-5)

We've seen Will Smith defeat aliens and vampires... why not Dinosaurs?

Today we tackle the 3 v. 6 match ups. We haven't had an upset in the first two days. Let's see if Day 3 provides some fireworks.

NickToons Bracket

(3) Ren and Stimpy vs. (6)AHHH!! Real Monsters

Ren and Stimpy

Like Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy really pushed it with the adult humor. This was the original Nick Toon too. It was laden with fart and shit jokes and man we loved it.

AHHH! Real Monsters

I remember this one but I was never too fond of it. Something just didn't sit right with me. Maybe the Monsters freaked me out. Hey maybe someone liked it.

Saturday Morning Bracket

(3) Animaniacs vs. (6) Power Rangers


This one also pushed the limits of children humor and it did a great job of it. Probably the most educational of all the children shows at the time, Animaniacs was compilation show that gave Pinky and the Brain it's start. What a show. 

Power Rangers

It's not a coincidence that I hooked up Animaniacs and Power Rangers since there was some beef going on between these two shows. As cheesy as it was, Power Rangers was kind of sweet. It was also as close to a phenomena as a show can get. There were toys, movies, posters and all that jazz. Some of us probably got pretty deep into it too. I was never that big into it, I was always a Ninja Turtles Guy, but I do think I still have the movie on VHS somewhere in my parents house.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(3) Legends of the Hidden Temple vs. (6) The Adventures of Pete and Pete


What a showing it had in the play in round by cruising past it's game show rival, Guts. Word on the street has been that the final Hidden Temple game carried the show. I have to agree

The Adventures of Pete and Pete

I get the feeling this wasn't as popular as Salute Your Shorts and Hey Dude, the three of which ran shit in the "non-SNICK" Nickelodeon shows. When it comes to standing the test of time, look no further than Pete and Pete. Go ahead, check out an episode, and you'll see that it was laden with themes that still work with adults (not that we're adults or anything). Plus it had the coolest intro song yet.

TGIF and Such Bracket

(3) Saved by the Bell vs. (6) Full House

Saved By The Bell

The definition of classic 90's television. There may have been some shows in this tournament that just didn't get watched but every single person watched Saved by the Bell. The characters have become such a part of our pop culture lore that when I say something like "that guy is the Zack Morris type", everyone knows what I mean. Right away. And AC Slater on the toilet? We all know that one. Amiright?

Full House

The Tanner family easily defeated Sabrina the Teenage Witch in the first round. Can they keep it up against the show many feel can go all the way?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Fresh 2 vs. 7 Round

Yesterday's Results

Doug d. Angry Beavers (41-1)

The only real surprise... who voted for Angry Beavers?

Salute Your Shorts d. Alex Mack (36-7)

I expected more of a showing from Mack Attack here. I guess no one wanted super secret special powers growing up?

X-Men d. Scooby Doo (24-20)

You have one of these every round. One that ended up being closer than expected. Maybe I jumped the gun calling Scooby Doo an 8 seed but here we are. Scooby Doo? More like Scooby Don't (I thought of that one all by myself).

Boy Meets World d. Hanging with Mr. Cooper (38-7)

More of a showing than I expected from the Coop man but Cory and the gang proved to just be too much.

Today we hit up the 2 v. 7 round. A couple of classics show up today and the match ups could be pretty tight.

NickToons Bracket

(2) Rugrats vs. (7) CatDog


As far as most are concerned there are only two great Nick Toons. Doug and Rugrats. Rugrats followed the zany adventures of 5 infants and 1, extremely bitchy, toddler. Tommy Pickle was the leader and always came out on top in the end and we loved every minute of it.


Another one I barely remember but I do remember liking this one. This is the one about the cat and dog that are somehow siamese twins. It probably took place in a post-nuclear attack Japan, I can't see any other way that such a creature could exist. 

Saturday Morning Cartoons Bracket

(2) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. (7) Goosebumps

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

My personal favorite. The Ninja Turtles were some cool sons of bitches. We all know their deal and like the Power Rangers the TMNT were kind of a big deal. They spawned 3 movies in our younger days (although I only saw the first 2, I still have yet to see the 3rd one because it looked like such horseshit), there was an animated re imagination just a few years ago and we're just a few years away from a Michael Bay version. Great stuff. This is for the cartoon version though that we used to watch on Saturday Mornings. Man that got me craving some pizza. 


Weren't we all afraid of the things that go bump in the night? Anyone have parents that didn't allow them to watch this? Mine did because apparently they just didn't care about my well being. How about those books though? I bet a good 50% of us voters read a shit ton of Goosebumps.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(2)Are You Afraid of the Dark? vs. (7) Clarissa Explains it All

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Ok, ok... full disclosure: "Are you Afraid of the Dark?" scared the shit out of me as a kid (probably now too). But I loved this show and I always wanted to be part of the Midnight Society. How many people got freaked out just by the opening credits?

Clarissa Explains It All

After a nice showing in the play in round, let's see if Clarissa can Explain to us why she's better than the Midnight Society.

TGIF and Everything Else Bracket

(2) Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs. (7) Dinosaurs

Fresh Prince of Bel Air

There is nothing to say about this show. It was bar-none the funniest show on tv when it aired. You want proof?


Dinosaurs had a solid showing taking out Hang Time in the play in round. I honestly underestimated the love for the giant monsters. Let's see how it fairs against much tougher competition.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

90's TV -- The Always Funnie 1 vs. 8 Round

Yesterday's Results

Scooby Doo d. Land of the Lost (15-5)

Looks like we all rather see G-G-G-GHOSTS than people getting attacked by T-Rex's on a children's show. Not too surprising considering the stoners that voted yesterday.

Legends of the Hidden Temple d. Guts (13-8)

I was expecting Hidden Temple to win this one but man I thought it would be closer. LotHT led pretty much the whole way. Funny considering that no one that voted would stand a chance in the Hidden Temple and most would shit themselves upon getting caught by the Temple Guards. But still, Olmek and his fans have spoken.

Clarissa Explains It All d. All That (15-5)

Not even close. Clarissa shows us who really is all that. Oh and for the guys that voted, I'm impressed most of you admit to watching Clarissa Explains It All to begin with.

Full House d. Sabrina the Teenage Witch (18-3)

Melissa Joan Hart learns the hard way that she can't win them all. Full House trounces Sabrina, proving that there is still a place in all our hearts for cheesy family shows. Anyone remember the episode where Michelle got amnesia? That was hilarious.

Dinosaurs d. Hang Time (16-5)

The Dinosaurs throw their weight around and convincingly take out Hang Time. I guess no one bought into the idea of a girl playing on the guys basketball team. Even if Anthony Anderson was on the team too.

Today, we're tackling the 1-8 match ups. Most of these should be lay up choices but like I said, this tournament has a lot of meat on it, so nothing can be taken for granted.

Nicktoons Bracket

(1) Doug vs. (8) Angry Beavers


The overall #1 seed. We all grow up on Doug and his friends of ambiguous race and his neighbor with debilitating downs syndrome. What isn't to love about Doug? From the crazy adults, his much cooler best friend, his dog that was smarter than anyone else to the dimepiece Patty Mayonaise and dickhead Roger Klotz. Doug really defined all our childhoods. I could go on and on but I don't need to. Doug speaks for itself.

Angry Beavers

No, this isn't a show about man hating lesbians. It's a Nick Toon about... actually I don't remember this show much at all. I recognize the name and I remember the show but don't recall much else. I think it may have been just past our prime.

Saturday Morning Bracket

(1) X-Men vs. (8) Scooby Doo


Ahhh, X-Men. The one can't miss Saturday morning show. And one of the few that still really holds up. Not only was X-Men completely bad ass but it actually had a great on going story that really wasn't just for kids. Who is everyone's favorite X-Men? There were a bunch that liked Cyclops but he was a pussy. Wolverine was too mainstream. My man was Gambit. Dude was a bad ass mother fucker.

Nickelodeon Bracket

(1) Salute Your Shorts vs. (8) The Secret World of Alex Mack

Salute Your Shorts

My personal favorite. As crazy as it sounds there were only like 30 episodes of this show made but they were all pretty sweet. My favorite was the Zeke the Plumber episode, you know what I'm talking about. It also featured the real life Roger Klotz... Bobby Budnick. He was the man.

The Secret World of Alex Mack

This was tough to put as a #8 seed because I enjoyed it a lot. Alex Mack was the teenager that got contaminated with some shit and developed these cool super powers. She has to hide these powers because if she doesn't, the jackasses that work for the company that contaminated her would experiment on her. I don't remember many episodes of this one. I do remember the star, Larisa Oleynik, blossoming into a hottie in 10 Things I Hate About You but now she's just disappointing us all in Mad Men.

TGIF Bracket

Boy Meets World

Just as easily could have been the overall #1 seed. Probably as close to the live action Doug as you can get. No need to go into a description of the show, you've all seen it. The more reruns I catch of this on ABC Family the more I think Eric Mathews is the man. So much cooler than anyone else on that show, that includes your resident alcoholic, Shawn Hunter.

Hanging with Mr. Cooper

I honestly don't remember much about the relatively short lived Hanging with Mr. Coooooooper. I do remember that it took place in Oakland and they somehow made the city look 'not hideous'. I also remember it having a pretty snug spot on TGIF.